I have now made this recipe twice - first time I popped the corn first then weighed out 100g and it made three trays with not quite enough syrup. Nevertheless it was a hit with my teenagers. Today I made it again and this time weighed the corn before popping and ended up with two trays and enough syrup to bind. The chocolate to pour over needs to be heated for more than the two minutes. It was ample to cover the two trays. The bars are quite edible without the chocolate.
You do need to be careful to remove any un-popped kernels as I didn't the first time I made it and my 5 yr old ended up with a crunch which put her off eating anymore of that batch.
Overall, a great recipe which will become a staple in our house for school snacks - great for nut-free schools. Makes enough to keep the dc happy for the week.javascript:void(0);