I still maintain that if you can read, you can cook -
There are different opinions on TMX out there. Some people seem to think that the essence of cooking is lost and that we are merely operating a machine. that many of the things that he really enjoys and finds relaxing about cooking are many of the things that the TMX would do for him (chopping fresh herbs, making risottos and custards from scratch etc).
i can kind of understand it, but i'll bet he uses things like an electric beater, peeler, masher etc because they make the job easier. not so different to the thermomix. you think bearnaise sauce is not 'real' in it then don't use it for that - but as a time saving tool that lets you cook even more it's fantastic.funnily i posted on my twitter asking if cooking from packets and jars was really cooking. i only got one response from a friend who said yes it was, because the food wasn't cooked before you 'cook' it. i definitely disagree but i can't really explain why. why does starting from scratch make it cooking and using preweighed and measured ingredients not? i'm not sure but i think they are not LOL
It's funny because I think a lot of the 'recipes' in the 4 Ingedients books for example aren't really cooking because they merely use existing processed foods and mix them together to form something else.
However, IF they ever sold those TMX magazines in supermarkets that Bron can get in Spain I guess I wouldn't be able to help myself once again
I have always looked to cheat. No problems - why knead bread for 10 minutes when you can whack it in the TMX and watch it. Even more fun is to show a smartypants chef the sabayon/zabaglione recipe and make it while sitting with your feet up rather than sweating over a pot of simmering water. I am happy to cheat.