Hi, I used green and yellow quinches together to make the paste. It turned out well with a lovely dark pink colour and also very tasty. My favorate recipe is the one from the book InThe Mix.
They are currently $6 per kilo...so enjoy your home grown ones!
Didn't know what Currawongs were so just had a quick brush up with my ornithology in wikipedia
I just cooked a half batch of this, not much liquid came out of the quinces and so the resulting 'thing' is very pasty not jelly like in the pictures. too scared to take it out of the TM as I think its going to be burnt on the bottom. Never tasted quinces before and I don't think I will even taste this...don't think this has been a success Footnote: what a disaster, it turned into toffee I managed to prise the blades out, and have everything soaking in hot water in the sink