Thanks everyone for your warm welcomes. Bambi, the blog link you sent for failsafers has been great to read and gives me more confidence in ordering a TMX. I can't wait to try the chicken dumplings and rice paper rolls detailed there.Cathy79, the recipes that we tried at the demo are ones that we eat regularly (cooking by conventional means) so I was interested in the time saving ability of the TMX. I think the error with the risotto was that the leek got pulversied at the start and permeated absolutely everything, making the frinal product taste terrible. After reading more on this website I am aware that even the experienced cooks have 'off' days and that correcting a recipe after a failure is the way to go! I also take on board that at the start it may be easier to convert TMX recipes to failsafe rather than the other way around.I am still interested to hear from other failsafers. It's exciting to hear of the way TX helps with our restricted diets.