HiI Googled TM steamed pudding recipe , as I was looking for "spotted dick" recipe and saw this Demonstrator Deliight reference.Is it a cook book?
Thank you for your response. Just in case it would interest you to just get the book ‘Demonstrator Delights’ this would cost £23.90. Happy cooking! Kind regards, Isobel[p] Isobel TurnerUK ThermomixUK: +44 1344 622 344Fax: +44 1344 622 526 www.UKThermomix.com Thermomix - the kitchen revolution! Eat well and cook with joy! Address: UK Thermomix, Thorp Building, Whitmore Lane, Sunningdale, Berkshire, England, SL5 0NS
After having read this thread, I tried to order Demonstrator Delights from Thermomix in UK, but was shocked at the price:Quote Thank you for your response. Just in case it would interest you to just get the book ‘Demonstrator Delights’ this would cost £23.90. Happy cooking! Kind regards, Isobel[p] Isobel TurnerUK ThermomixUK: +44 1344 622 344Fax: +44 1344 622 526 www.UKThermomix.com Thermomix - the kitchen revolution! Eat well and cook with joy! Address: UK Thermomix, Thorp Building, Whitmore Lane, Sunningdale, Berkshire, England, SL5 0NS