sadly our Jordie and Sadie are no longer with us, due old age, but I used to make their food and biscuits. Their main food was 1kg of roo (kangaroo or meat of your choice) minced into a big pot, just cover with water and bring to the boil. Once at the boil add a 1 kg bag of mixed veg, I used to save all my veg peelings and off cuts from the end of the carrots etc. (try not to use too many potato or onion peelings) putting them into a bag in the freezer. If I didn't have enough I'd buy a 1 kg bag of mixed veg home brand quality Add a clove or two of Garlic, When this came to the boil, I would add a lge bag of macaroni/rice , 500gms turn off the cooker put a lid on the pot and let the macaroni/rice absorb the cooking juice. Store in large ice cream cont in freezer and defrost as needed.