Sonan your planning sounds a bit like mine but on steroids! I figure that I put the effort into making it and freezing it so I should get to use it as my Get Out of Jail Free card.LOL - well after many years of doing it, you get into a good routine ! You do save loads of money by less wastage and not having lots of things lurking in the pantry ! I like the GOOJF card - that is how I see it too !! It is a great way to avoid takeaways - some nights if we are all tired, it's just a freeforall night from the freezer!!You have to be flexible too - sometimes I make way too much food and then one thing on the list gets "bumped" as someone said to another night or the next week.
sorry could not get the hang of the quote thingy....the first two lines where your quotes and the rest is what I added
Just make sure what you type is outside the quote tags - from [quote ... to end of tag then the quoted text then there will be a closing quote tag which will have [ then a / then the word quote and then a ]
I also write a list of what things need buying/defrosting during the week (eg. Wednesday: buy fish, defrost chicken for kebabs tomorrow) - this avoids checking the menu plan and realising that vital ingredients are either in the freezer or at the shops!!