Are individuals who are friends, eg our get together group permitted to have everyone round and make something to show and share?
Coming to join this interesting discussion! Cookie, that's what we encourage our customers to do if they've 'done' the cooking classes and know the basics - get together with a consultant and some friends, with their tmx's, and cook together. Themed cooking days are fun! One of my consultants is SO good at this - she's a chef, caterer and home-ec teacher by trade, and she goes over and above her job all the time, and her customers love her! Yesterday she did a delivery demo with a customer & her friends (they came to the consultant's house), then cooked for the rest of the day with them just for fun!!! I know not every consultant has the time to do that, but now and then having customers over for a cooking day is a really good idea. I like to invite customers/friends over and cook with them and have a cuppa together - it's fun. I've met some lovely people through this job!
I see your point Marina, I guess I was really asking consultants their opinions. Who we invite to our home is nothing to do with HO. Would consultants on here feel we were imposing on them? When we get home I would be quite willing to have a coffee morning for my forum friends to come round. My thoughts would be that I made something for you to taste (before hand!) and we could have a chat about it.