Lurve my pressure cooker. Can't remember the brand, but it's a bit fiddly to get the lid on correctly, so I won't recommend it.I'm still in a dither about an iPad. I have an iPhone and I reckon an iPad is just a big iPhone that you can't use as a phone!I'm really wanting it as an e-reader more than anything else. I'm looking at Kindle 3G and noted that in the US, the internet connection for Kindle is free! It's paid by Amazon. Can't believe how much the internet is free in the US, yet we have to pay through the nose here.For those who have a Kindle, can I connect it to my Windows computer to download things? If not, is it worth getting the 3G model? Julie, did you mean it was $150 for the whole 12 months with 12Gb download allowed each month? If so, that's excellent! Unfortunately, we only have Telstra in the bush, so I doubt I could get a deal like that.