Woohoo I am really pleased with a version of this made today.I soaked 30g wheatgerm and 30 g linseeds in 200mls cold water for a min of 4 hours. I then followed the recipe using only 50ml boiling water and the water and grains from the soaking. I did warm this to 37 with the 20 g fresh yeast,I used 500 g strong plain flour ( white) not 550 because of wh/g and linseed.And less than a 1/4 teaspoon vit c powder to counteract the effects of the wheatgerm on the gluten. I have been reading up about this, and yesterday's buttermilk loaf was i think a casualty of this chemical reaction. So today I used less wheatgerm and soaked it and added vit c. Here is after first rise and then after baking. It tastes yummy and has wheatgerm goodness in it. It is also very light.