We will survive Julie, we might become a bit bored though! I’m quite OK for food and plan to go nowhere except perhaps the chemist if I need something. No links to the cluster down here in my immediate area and I have masks. I was lucky to have my car cleaner chap come yesterday so I have a beautiful clean car (inside and out) with a full tank sitting in the garage. Then today the council sent contract workers out to remove a very dead jasmine creeper from my back fence. I didn’t plant it, it belongs to my neighbour who recently had her side trimmed rather overzealously which resulted in the whole plant dying. What an eyesore it became but through our wonderful council’s maintenance programme they were able to provide a team to remove it from my side of the fence and take it to the dump. They finished the job before the allotted time so they offered to cut some dead palm tree fronds down as well, wasn’t about to say no to that offer. So lucky to have these 2 big jobs done before the restrictions kick in at midnight tonight.
I have been awake most of the night with rolling thunderstorms for hours , loud clapping thunder and rain . It’s passed now but what a huge storm cells .
No rain here as yet but very heavy skies and quite a cold wind. Was very dark on our morning walk today, was like being back in winter again. The air was fresh and really smelled of the sea. Really good after a couple of hot days.