Cp says that during silent reading she calls him over & "talks" to him. He asks for help, sometimes she wont help him. He did a project in class on a school computer, another kid wiped all,his work, she said busy weekend. I helped him as it was daunting for him, she now refuses to assess his project.Lr, the suspension in my opinion is way over the top. what he did was wrong, but no one was physically hurt or touched. In a nutshell he verbally told this girl he could hurt her with a corkscrew set & showed it to,her. He has been bullied by this girl in his class since he started the school, not defending him but hes onky 22kgs in yr 6, 11 years old. A normal size yr 6 would be much bigger. What he did was wrong, but this girl should be talked too as well. She was being very nasty & he acted impulsivley.Suspending him from school is no punishment, he doesnt like school, better punishment no recess or lunch breaks for a week.Oh the joys
Lr as he was not in my care at the time, I have had no contact from the school, but guess what the days he has suspension he is with me. So it puts me right out.What I do,hate is that these kids have a lable so therfore are automatically in the wrong.
Maybe contact the organisation you went through, discuss with them the situation, and see if you are valid to discuss with school.This kid needs all the support he can get now...it's such a sad situation.