This piece of paper fell out of an old cookbook last night. I wrote the date on it, my DD24 was 9 at the time and was whinging about one of her so called friends so I told her to write down what it was she didn't like about her:Dumb, adult, spoilt, big nose, loves money, loves boys, thinks she's pretty, big nose, bossy, body movements, thinks she's the best, sits around watching TV, thinks she's smart, loves boys and hate all her friends, eats BAD food for her teeth, never plays by the rules, kicks people out, when we play four squares says your out Jess's in....remembering brought a smile...(I wonder if this girl has changed as she's grown older?)
Today what made me smile was my little girl laughing at me as I did my video workout and also bopping along to the music near the end. So cute!!
A big bunch of flowers I found outside my front door this morning made me smile! And the sun streaming down did too.