What is Living Cookbook Software - sounds extremely intriguing......
Lauzzie, it is software that allows you to import all of your recipes - you either type in or copy and paste into the program, which is what I have been doing.
You can then use the program to menu plan using the recipes you have put in the program (also comes with a 1000 or so recipes already inputted), either a day, a week or a month, then prints out a shopping list for you. You can also do other things like change measurements of recipes, changes servings, etc, and it will adjust the recipe accordingly.
I got sick of having tons of pieces of paper floating around, and have a little netbook that I have the program on, so my cookbook is my computer now. And easy to edit recipes as I need to as I make them and tweak them.
There are quite a few of these types of software out there, this one just appealed to me best.
Cheers, Terri