I made achookwoman's quiche for our evening meal. My cupboards are a bit bare at the moment and I didn't have cream so used a small tub or ricotta that was in the fridge then discovered after the quiche was cooked that I had forgotten to add the flour. It smells yummy and looks ok but I guess the proof will be in the tasting. Probably a bit cheesy but I can live with that.
I've made 2 chocolate cakes, the old way. Would you believe they have turned out as absolute pancakes. Either the TMX jinxed the mixer or the mixer is sulking as it never gets used. I think I'll be able to save them by putting lots of berries in and layer them.I have no idea what I did. They look like they have plain flour instead of SR but I'm sure I used the correct one. Oh well. I must photograph them and put it in flops.