It's in the 'My Way of Cooking' cookbook ... here's how:Mince up 300g of raw chicken, put aside. Chop 10 secs sp 5 - 200g veges (leek/onion/shallots, carrot, garlic, celery, celeriac - your choice - I use more veges, about 300g), and a few sprigs fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, parsley). Then add 150g coarse sea salt, 1 bay leaf, 50g white wine, 1 clove & 5 coriander seeds (I just put in a dash of ground cloves and a dash of ground coriander) and cook for 30 mins, Varoma, sp 2 with simmering basket on top instead of mc. (I think 20 mins is enough, otherwise it dries out too much. It is drier than the vege stock paste though.)Replace mc and blend 1 min, speed 10.Use 1 tsp in 500g water for chicken stock.