Next time, I need to use a different variety of potatoes that have a lower water content.
That's a bit cheeky, more than a new one.
I've been led astray by this thread. Look what I bought today,,,,,
NEWS FLASH!thinking of you Maddy and I know there was another who likes pink too....just got off the phone from TM HO as my replacementtravel bag base is still too big, now established it must be the pretty blue ones left, they offered to replace it with a...wait for it.....PINK ONE! I declined, but immediately thought of Maddy....
i really think that HO needs to come up with stuff for people that already have a thermo, without having to have another demo, just to buy things.Without having to find a consultant. Good ones are busy. I am busy.Just one price, and buy my box now.. Now to find something online..