There is no use by date on my yoghurt because I make my own lol
I don't think I've seen red mould You must have iron guts Gretch My DH has, and any food that is slightly past its useby date I tell him he can eat it. He would never know the difference, and would never get sick.Years ago just before lunch time I cleaned the kettle with CLR, and left it on the bench. DH comes home for lunch and makes himself a cup of coffee. (I am elsewhere in the house) I walk into the room and see him drinking away and ask him if he emptied the kettle at all? No. Ho hum, he ran to the sink to spit out a mouthful of coffee - he's still here, and we're still married but he is definitely suspicious that I was trying to poison him but he can basically ingest anything as well
Gertie, how do you find your sense of humour so early in the day
Well maybe not maddy. You might not want to come to my house as If it grows red mould I might incorporate it into a chili dip.
Freeze it in ice cube trays Hally for smoothies and instant ice reams!
Most labels have the "best before" date on them as its the law to do so. A lot of the stuff will last a lot longer than the "use by" date.You kind of get to know when stuff has gone over IMHO - lots of stuff will last ages past.