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Messages - Lisel

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Chit Chat / Re: Waiting for 2nd bowl.... gggrrrrrr....
« on: June 01, 2014, 01:44:56 am »
I'm waiting too, annoying, but not the end of the world, but on another forum someone in NZ mentioned they were about to have a demo as their June special was the 2nd bowl special.  So the supposed world wide shortage, doesn't include NZ?

Main Dishes / Re: Sweet and Sour Chicken (with photo)
« on: April 08, 2014, 10:37:13 am »
Thought I'd bump this up, made it tonight and the kids loved it.  I'd promised them sweet and sour noodles ages ago and done nothing.  This had the ingredients that best fited my idea of what it should be like, and It was a winner.  I added a julienned carrot and zucchini to up the veg content and served it over rice noodles.

Recipe Requests / Re: Sausage roll question
« on: September 19, 2013, 02:56:11 am »
Thanks Judy, I did see that one, was hoping someone else might have tried adding beef to Cyndi's O'Meara's rolls, but I think I'll try the potato and beef suggestion and experiment with Cyndi's when I have time at a later date.

Recipe Requests / Sausage roll question
« on: September 19, 2013, 12:31:27 am »
I need to make two batches of sausage rolls, one veg (Cyndi's) and one meat.  I want some veggies in the meat ones, wondering what others think about making a batch of Cyndi's and mixing in some minced beef (we don't eat pork and I'm not keen on 'sausage mince').  I don't eat red meat myself so am not great at cooking it or knowing what may not work.  Or should I just use one of the basic sausage roll recipes here and use beef and sub the sausage meat for veggies?

Chit Chat / Re: Menu Planning Apps
« on: August 30, 2013, 04:55:38 am »
I use pepperplate, it is a bit of an effort to get all your recipes in, but once you do it is so easy to make a meal plan and a few clicks and you have a shopping list.  From some forums it adds recipes automatically, unfortunately not this one.  I added our fave recipes and now as I menu plan I add any new/not yet added recipes.  I always make a recipe first though, so I am not going to the effort of adding something I won't be making again.

Wasn't very impressed with this.  I am trying to make a few more things from the Vegetarian book, since we eat a lot of vegetarian food but without much luck.  I added some veggies and extra tomatoes and cut the pasta to 300gm, but there was still way to much pasta.  We much preferred the lentil moussaka from the varoma book.  

Also why would you run your TMX for 15 mins to boil water?  I boiled the kettle, filled the bowl added the pasta and then followed the instructions.

Chit Chat / Re: 5 in 1 multicooker
« on: November 07, 2012, 08:37:18 pm »
If mine broke I'd replace it with an electric pressure cooker (stove top is probably better but I cannot be relied upon to keep an eye on it).  I don't use mine for anything that can't be done in a pressure cooker.  Eg: why would i use the rice cooker, which takes 15 (ish?) minutes when I can do it for 1/3 of that time using the PC function.   

Soups / Re: Can the Canned Soups! (with photo)
« on: October 23, 2012, 02:23:05 am »
Interesting report!!

I'm wondering does this apply to all canned foods . . ???

I believe it does.  There are a few organic brands that have BPA free cans but they are very expensive.  I've almost cut out all cans, apart from the emergency baked beans, as I don't want my kids exposed.

I too have printed this off as I automatically skip any recipe that calls for canned soup, but not anymore!

Main Dishes / Re: Nico Moretti's Thai Chilli Chicken and Basil
« on: October 21, 2012, 05:03:07 am »
I made the other night and the kids and DH all wanted seconds, definitely a hit.  I thought it was slightly too sweet, probably why the kids loved it!  I steamed some veggies on the stove whilst it cooked and didn't need to thicken the sauce, just stirred it all together at the end.  This will be a regular request I am sure.

Chit Chat / Re: Frozen Vegetables
« on: September 06, 2012, 02:22:20 pm »
I usually have a packet in the freezer for emergencies, I use them in things like pasta bake where you don't notice how watery they are.

Thanks!  They both have a lot more water.  Why do I rarely think to check thermomix uk, when I do I find lots of good stuff! 

Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Almond Milk question
« on: August 24, 2012, 04:10:52 am »
I am making Almond milk for the first time, the recipe in the vegetarian book is about 1.5 cups almonds to 2.5 cups of water, there is also a recipe in the drinks section that is about the same, and i've got a very thick, almost paste like mix, should it be this thick, or should I add more water?  Not sure I am going to get much 'milk' out of this...

Vegetarian / Re: Cauliflower Patties
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:15:31 am »
Made these tonight, very nice, I added 1/2 tsp of ground cumin and coriander and you could still taste the cauliflower.  The kids and DH ate them with chutney, I preferred sweet chilli sauce.  Will definetly be doing these again.

Do you use nuttulex?  I would replace with that or a combination of applesauce and coconut or olive oil.

Chit Chat / Re: what sort of can opener do you have
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:43:33 pm »
I have a Tupperware one, we went through so many opening dog food tins but have had this one for years now, it too leaves a smooth edge.

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