Now at least you are speaking my language, I have always thought that cassoulet is a slow cooked stew using haricot you I am not a fan either Frozzie.
sounds pretty similar andie to the common cassoulet you find everywhere here and yes castelnaundry is the home of cassoulet but alot of people say toulouse too with it not being too far away from the town i imagine and then havingt their spin on it..there always seems to be alot of fatty pork meat in it..big fat porky sausages, echine de porc (very fatty porc meat) very little lamb (ive never noticed that much with all the porc) and duck confit (which i love..mmmm confit de canard)..prefer that any day over cassoulet which i never touch mainly because I dont eat porc which is funny at times since Frances principal meat is everything pig..its hard to find anything else at times...most markets or community get togethers etc have stalls with either cassoulet or choucroute sidetracknig here but i miss aussie beef and so does DH..he loves how good it is and how cheap it is compared to here..ive heard its because the french dont bleed their meat (they like it bloody) but they do in oz which I prefer...some dispute about blood and flavour...