Wow CC, what a beautiful chair, you are so very talented.
Today I went to a Thermomix demo. Some thing for everyone. There were 3 consultants going flat out. They removed several of the machines to the kitchen because of the noise. The wholemeal scones with blueberries were awful but the roasted nut butter was lovely. We were told that the recipes from the book were deliberately bland and the cook was expected to add flavourings. One of the recipes didn't work. This was one with rice in the basket, veggies in the Varoma tray with eggs buried in the veggies. The eggs didn't cook. The problem was that they used cold water. Anita is a very good presenter but I felt that the restrictions, very prescribed, limit what can be demonstrated. HO underestimates the ability and needs of owners. I was asked to give some tips. I spoke about using the Varoma and listening to the machine. Users need more frank information. Most also want hands on lessons not just demos. Most of the people at the demo use the Forum but are not members.