I have had so much fun with the free Kindle app, you can download every book and magazine you have ever purchased for free and read them on the iPad. The many image/photo editing apps are great also Siri app saves lots of time as it understands what you say, you are able to talk to Siri as you would to a person, it does what you say (without the argument or justification - ha, ha) you can find the information you need and Siri then answers you. It’s like you’re having a conversation with your iPhone and after all this I realised that this thread is apps for iPad not the iPhone - oh well now you have more irrelevant info
Hello, I got the Living Cookbook as a Xmas present and have downloaded on to my laptop. How can I see the recipes on my ipad? Also, I find that the ipad screens goes dark after a few mins - a damn nuisance when your fingers are full of food and you cannot touch to ipad to find out what to do next?